Geoff Dyer is a hero for those of us who still don’t know what we want to do when we grow up, both a ray of hope and an object of envy for any writer who ever feels trapped in their specialty (see, for instance, the title of this blog.)
To devote yourself to a losing team is a strange act of faith. Growing up near Philadelphia I rooted for the Phillies, of course, but by the time I’d come to baseball consciousness they were in the playoffs every year, so why not root for them? But as a DC-area carpetbagger, there’s no real reason I should be rooting for the Nationals, who are even newer to the city than I am, and generally terrible.
Today we introduce two new sections to this collection of rare posts and frequent comment-spam: The Tom Vick Review of Books (TVRB), an occasional series of pieces on books and authors, and A Nats Fan's Notes, occasional thoughts on following Washington DC's sad little baseball team. Enjoy.